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Mathew White(マッシュー ホワイト)

TEFL, Extensive Reading, Person-Centered Learning and Flipped Learning

Extensive Reading
Advanced Reading
Communicative Discussion
E-mail mathew-w(ここに@を入れてください)nufs.ac.jp
役職 准教授
経歴 1998 B.A. in Asian Studies, California State University, Chico
2000 Cambridge/RSA CELTA Certificate, International House
2003 M.A. in TEFL, The University of Birmingham, U.K.
2004-2007 Associate Instructor at Nanzan University
2007-present Associate Instructor, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
主な業績 ・ER (Extensive Reading) Outreach Project: Planting Seeds in Mexico in Extensive Reading Journal Volume 5
・A 'Novel' Approach to Language Learning in the NUFS Piazza (2017)
・Opening More than the Hip: Yoga in OCV & OCVI in Chukyo English Linguistics Volume 1 (2018)
・Student Voices on Weekly Reading Reports in Chukyo English Linguistics Volume 2 (2019)
・Optimizing Opportunities for Engagement and Empowerment Through International Days in Chukyo English Linguistics Volume 4 (2020)
メッセージ Hi! I hope you are excited about learning! I have studied Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, French and Italian, although I haven't studied French or Italian that much. I think reading books in a foreign language and watching TV shows and movies in a foreign language are two great ways to improve. However, I think it's also really important to USE THE LANGUAGE YOU WANT TO LEARN. I will do my best to give you lots of time to use your English. Let's have fun and learn lots together. P.S. Do you know that "NUFSISFUN" can be read the same way regardless of whether you read it from left to right or from right to left?