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Jason Walters(ジェイソン ウォルターズ)

英語教育, 19世紀の英文学

・Essay Writing
・Core English その他

E-mail jwalters(ここに@を入れてください)nufs.ac.jp
役職 Full-time Lecturer in English as a Foreign Language
経歴 2019 芸術学修士 - 英語および英語教育
2005 学士号(英語)、優秀な成績で取得
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO USA (コロラド大学)
2015-2022, 2023-Present 名古屋外国語大学
-- 専任講師 
-- Core English セクション主任補佐
--管理者, Power-Up Tutorial Program
-- 海外研修の引率、ニュージーランド (2017)
2022-2023 岐阜聖徳学園大学、専任講師
2012-2014 岐阜県総合教育センター教育研修課管理調整係
取りまとめ団体アドバイザー (Prefectural Advisor)
2009-2012 岐阜県教育委員会 外国語指導助手
益田清風高等学校、 岐阜県下呂市
2007-2009 ボーダーズ・グループ (書店) アメリカ コロラド州デンバー市
2005-2007 ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニー
Guest Service Manager
主な業績 1. Amrein, J., Bogedin, C., Bowyer, D., Deadman, A., Harris, R., Koga, A., Walters, J., Zoni Upton, J. (2017). Power-up dialogue II: Building confidence in conversation. Nisshin, Japan: Nagoya University of Foreign Studies Press.

2. Amrein, J., Bogedin, C., Bowyer, D., Deadman, A., Harris, R., Koga, A., Walters, J., Zoni Upton, J. (2016). Power-up dialogue I: Building confidence in conversation. Nisshin, Japan: Nagoya University of Foreign Studies Press.

3. Walters, J. R. (2020). Senpai: Learner responses to near-peer role modeling intervention. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & R. Gentry (Eds.), Teacher efficacy, learner agency. Tokyo: JALT.

4. Walters, J. (2020). A rationale for a positive psychology-informed approach to content and language integrated learning. 名古屋外国語大学論集. (7) 267–285.

5. Walters, J. (2021). Social contagion: Manage the spread. Think Tank: Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG, 7 (2), 11-12.

6. Walters, J. R. (2021). Embracing change and discovering affordances in the time of COVID: Report on the Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL) conference, 2020. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 12(1), 123-135. https://doi.org/ 10.37237/120109

7. Walters, J. R. (2021). Pursuing PERMA in a pandemic: Reflections on a socially-distanced advising session. Relay Journal 4 (1).

8. Taylor, C., Thornton, A., Walters, J., & Thompson, K. (2023). Using progress-tracker applications for peer-supported language learning and development: A collaborative autoethnography. JASAL Journal 4 (1)

1. Walters, Jason. (2016). “There's a Place for Positive Psychology in Your Classroom!" poster presented at JALT Positive Psychology in Language Teaching Conference. Sendai, Japan.

2. Walters, Jason. (2019). Learning in Motion: Brain Science and Physical Activity in the Classroom.” Presented at ETJ Expo 2019, Sugiyama Women’s University. Nagoya, Japan.

3. Walters, Jason. (2019). “Someone Like Me: Cultural Identity, Role Models, and Learner Beliefs.” Presented at JALT Nagoya. Nagoya, Japan.

4. Walters, Jason. (2019) “Senpai: Learner Responses to Near-Peer Role Modeling in a University Communication Strategy Course.” Presented at JALT Conference 2019. Nagoya, Japan.

5. Walters, Jason. (2021). “Building and Assessing Spoken Language in the Classroom.” Invited Speaker, NUFS English Education Workshop. Nagoya University of Foreign Studies Graduate School of International Studies. Nagoya, Japan.

6. Taylor, Ornston, Thompson, and Walters. (2022). “Progress-Tracker Apps for Learning with Peers.” Presented at JASAL Conference 2022. Akita City, Japan.

7. Bradley & Walters. (2023). “Professional Development: A Workable Model for Busy Teams.” Presented at TESOL Conference 2023. Portland, Oregon, USA.
メッセージ NUFS students, with their open minds, global perspectives, and most of all, their kind and friendly attitudes, make my job a pleasure. Not many people can say that they love their jobs, but because of all of you, I truly look forward to coming to campus each day. I have a young son, and I hope that he grows into the kind of person I see in my NUFS classrooms. Remember to support one another, try new things, and to take responsibility for your own learning experiences, and I will be here to help you in any way I can!
