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Simon Humphrey(サイモン ハンフリー)

Applied Linguistics, Educational Psychology

・Advanced Reading その他

E-mail humphrey(ここに@を入れてください)nufs.ac.jp
役職 准教授
経歴 University of Cambridge, M.Phil (Education)
University of Cambridge, M.Phil (Applied Linguistics)
University of Birmingham, MA (TEFL/TESL)
Massey University, Diploma (Teaching Japanese)
Massey University, BA (Japanese, Chinese)
主な業績 S. J. Humphrey (2007) “A Comparative Analysis of SEMAC scoring and Exact Word scoring.” Nagoya University of Foreign Studies Journal of School of Foreign Languages. Vol. 33.
S. J. Humphrey (2007) “Acquisition of the English Article System: Some Preliminary Findings.” Nagoya University of Foreign Studies Journal of School of Foreign Languages. Vol. 32. 301-325.
メッセージ Through the use of Movies, you will be able to use English in fun and exciting ways. Film based English study will not only enhance your communication skills, but also expose you to Real-World English. Finally, ‘language learning strategies’ will enable you to communicate more effectively and in doing so, help you to realise your goal of English proficiency.